Column Design with Excel RCC Column

Column Design with Excel RCC Column
 A column is a very important component in a structure. It is like the legs on which a structure stands. It is designed to resist axial and
lateral forces and transfer them safely to the footings in the ground. Columns support ـoors in a structure. Slabs and beams transfer the stresses to the columns. So, it is important to design strong columns. basis of classiÒcation of columns and di×erent types of reinforcement required for a certain type of column. A column may be classiÒed based on di×erent criteria such as: 1. Based on shape Rectangle Square Circular Polygon 2. Based on slenderness ratio The ratio of the e×ective length of a column to the least radius of gyration of its cross section is called the slenderness ratio. Short RCC column, =< 10 Long RCC column, > 10 Short Steel column, =<50 Intermediate Steel column >50 & <200 Long Steel column >200 3. Based on type of loading Axially loaded column A column subjected to axial load and unaxial bending A column subjected to axial load and biaxial bending 4. Based on pattern of lateral reinforcement Tied RCC columns Spiral RCC column
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Constructions Management in Practice

The first edition of Construction Management in Practice appeared in 1982.Since then there have been significant changes in the construction industry and its practices (outlined in chapter 1) and the new edition reflects these changes.
Chapters 2 and 3 on strategic management have been completely rewritten to reflect recent developments in strategic thinking and the way in which construction firms are now thinking more strategically.Trades unions have always been undermined in the construction
industry by the self-employment system, which has increased in the last 20 years; this was exacerbated by the introduction of legislation to limit the power of unions during the Thatcher era. The chapter on industrial relations, whilst still dealing with the mechanics of collective bargaining, focuses more on management roles and empowerment of the work force.
As is pointed out in chapter 1, accident statistics for the construction industry have improved but are still far too high. Chapter 5 revisits the problem, again emphasising the current magnitude of the problem and reviewing the more stringent legislation which has been put in place since 1980. In particular, it emphasises the changing attitudes to health and safety and the need for the construction industry to adopt safer working practices.Two chapters in the first edition on manpower planning and personnel management have been consolidated into a single chapter on managing people. The human resource management (HRM) function is still undervalued in most construction firms and the need to audit current and future needs for staff is often avoided by citing the need in the industry for firms to retain flexibility. The result is the well-known skill shortages, which the industry perpetually suffers. Until HRM issues are included in the strategic thinking and planning of construction firms, this problem will continue. This leads to the second aspect of HRM dealt with in this chapter ± the need to attract and offer career development opportunities to young people. Staff and operative levels are discussed, as is the recent use of learning networks to create learning organisations in the con-struction industry. Chapters 7, 8 and 9 have been revised to reflect changes in financial
management and accounting practices since 1982.
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Civil Engineering Project Management

Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann

Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP

200 Wheeler Road, Burlington, MA 01803

First published 1966

Second edition 1972. Reprinted in 1975, 1978, 1980, 1984

Third edition 1995

Fourth edition 2004

Copyright © 2004, A.C. Twort and J. Gordon Rees. All rights reserved

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Civil Engineering Project Management

Teaching Guide For structural Steel Connection

This connection design tool kit for students is based on the original steel sculpture designed by Duane S. Ellifritt, P.E., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at the University of Florida. The tool kit includes this teaching guide, a 3D CAD file of the steel sculpture, and a shear connection calculator tool. The teaching guide contains drawings and photographs of each connection depicted on the steel sculpture, the CAD file is a 3D AutoCAD® model of the steel sculpture with complete dimensions and details, and the calculator tool is a series of MathCAD® worksheets that enables the user to perform a comprehensive check of all required limit states. The tool kit is intended as a supplement to, not a replacement for, the information and data presented in the American Institute of Steel Construction’s Manual of Steel Construction, Load & Resistance Factor Design, Third Edition, hereafter, referred to as the AISC Manual. The goal of the tool kit is to assist students and educators in both learning and teaching basic structural steel connection design by visualization tools and software application. All information and data presented in any and all parts of the teaching tool kit are for educational purposes only. Although the steel sculpture depicts numerous connections, it is by no means all-inclusive. There are many ways to connect structural steel members together. In teaching engineering students in an introductory course in steel design, often the topic of connections is put off until the end of the course if covered at all. Then with the crush of all the other pressures leading up to the end of the semester, even these few weeks get squeezed until connections are lucky to be addressed for two or three lectures. One reason for slighting connections in beginning steel design, other than time constraints, is that they are sometimes viewed as a “detailing problem” best left to the fabricator. Or, the mistaken view is taken that connections get standardized, especially shear connections, so there is little creativity needed in their design and engineers view it as a poor use of their time. The AISC Manual has tables and detailing information on many standard types of connections, so the process is simplified to selecting a tabulated connection that will carry the design load. Many times, the engineer will simply indicate the load to be transmitted on the design drawings and the fabricator will select an appropriate connection. Yet connections are the glue that holds the structure together and, standardized and routine as many of them may seem, it is very important for a structural engineer to understand their behavior and design. Historically, most major structural failures have been due to some kind of connection.

failure. Connections are always designed as planar, twodimensional elements, even though they have definite threedimensional behavior. Students who have never been around construction sites to see steel being erected have a difficult time visualizing this three-dimensional character. Try explaining to a student the behavior of a shop-welded, field-bolted double-angle shear connection, where the outstanding legs are made purposely to flex under load and approximate a true pinned connection. Textbooks generally show orthogonal views of such connections, but still many students have trouble in “seeing” the real connection. In the summer of 1985, after seeing the inability of many students to visualize even simple connections, Dr. Ellifritt began to search for a way to make connections more real for them. Field trips were one alternative, but the availability of these is intermittent and with all the problems of liability, some construction managers are not too anxious to have a group of students around the jobsite. Thought was given to building some scale models of connections and bringing them into the classroom, but these would be heavy to move around and one would have the additional problem storing them all when they were not in use. The eventual solution was to create a steel sculpture that would be an attractive addition to the public art already on campus, something that would symbolize engineering in general, and that could also function as a teaching aid. It was completed and erected in October 1986, and is used every semester to show students real connections and real steel members in full scale. Since that time, many other universities have requested a copy of the plans from the University of Florida and have built similar structures on their campuses.
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Teaching Guide For structural Steel Connection

Online schooling

1 Online Schooling
A number of different types of schools provide online learning options to students, earning them unofficial classification as an “online school”. Each has a variety of benefits and possible drawbacks of which students and parents should be aware.

Traditional colleges and universities

Both public and private higher education institutions have moved relatively quickly toward a more nimble learning mode, which includes some or all of their courses and materails delivered online. Many of these online colleges bring the same quality of education, resources and faculty experience to the virtual classroom. However, as with their campus-based programs, admission requirements could hinder some students from acceptance and enrollment.

Primarily for-profit online schools

Many colleges like DeVry University have long-standing traditions when it comes to online education. They crafted and developed online curricula as well as the tools and technology to deliver them. Unlike their traditional counterparts, barrier to entry can be much looser, opening up post-secondary educational opportunities to a wider segment of the population. Students should always beware of the cost, and make sure the institution has the proper accreditation to ensure quality standards and employer acceptance of their degree.

Community and junior colleges

Two-year colleges offer a unique value that many other online schools don’t: a combination of affordability, course quantity and academic integrity. The cost of online programs at community and junior colleges tend to be much lower than 4-year schools, yet their focus on diplomas, certificates and associate degrees limits how far a student can go without transferring.
2 Financial Aid & Scholarships
Students at online schools looking for financial aid have a variety of options. It’s important to note, however, that qualification for aid, grants or scholarships require enrollment at an institution that’s accredited. Let’s go a bit deeper on the three main types of aid for students today. And for a more in-depth and expert-driven look at paying for college, read our full guide to financial aid for online schools.

Student loans

Student loans are money borrowed by a student from a lender that must be paid back, with interest, according to the terms of the loan contract. Student loans come from three primary sources: the Federal government, state governments and private lenders.

Student grants

Grants are similar to loans except a student does not have to pay the money back. Grants can be obtained from many sources, including state governments and directly from colleges and universities. The Federal Pell Grant program is among the most widely known; Pell Grants provide funds primarily to undergraduate students on a by-need basis.


Scholarships tend to be merit-based or dependent on criteria such as membership in a sponsoring organization or ethnic or minority group. Colleges, corporations and non-profits offer a majority of scholarships to students. The money does not need to be paid back.
3 Online Learning Modes
Not all online schools are the same, and neither are their students. Some students prefer more flexible learning environments, others want a program that helps them earn a degree and transition to a career as quickly as possible. These two primary delivery modes at online schools come with unique benefits for students.

Fully-online vs. hybrid

Hybrid (or blended) courses are those that combine online work with some level of in-person class or lab participation. The balance between online and on-site participation requirements can vary substantially from class to class depending on the nature of the course materials covered.

Synchronous vs. asynchronous

Synchronous courses require the instructors and students to be online at the same time for lectures, presentations and/or discussions. With asynchronous courses, instructors provide any or all of course materials for access by students at any time of their convenience. Time limits for completion of a particular session’s work may be required.
4 Accreditation
Every degree-granting institution in the United States must hold some sort of accreditation. The key is understanding which accreditation statuses matter the most and why. Let’s examine three of today’s most popular accreditation statuses.

Regional accreditation

The gold standard, regional accreditation denotes thorough vetting of a college and its programs by an established and independent third party. Each regional body visits and investigates the institutions within its purview for academic standards, faculty experience, resource availability and overall guiding principles.

National accreditation

Schools with national accreditation often concentrate on less academic disciplines, including vocational, trade and career-focuses programs and courses. This often means a vetting process with less emphasis on core academics (liberal arts) and more on the ability to train students in tactile skills.

Programmatic or subject accreditation

Programmatic accreditation is reserved for degree programs that focus on a specific subject. For example, quality business schools and their programs have earned accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Building the Future

Considering a career in Civil Engineering? BCIT's 4-year full-time Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering program provides a path whereby students can earn dual credentials—a Diploma in Civil Engineering Technology and a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering. All students who successfully complete the first two years of the program receive a nationally-accredited Diploma in Civil Engineering Technology, while students who successfully complete years three and four also receive a nationally-accredited Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering.These credentials prepare the graduate for professional practise in this popular field as either a civil technologist or as a civil engineer, and also provide a path to further studies.

Civil technology part-time studies programs and courses

BCIT's Civil Technology Part-time Studies (PTS) programs and courses provide continuing education and professional development opportunities for individuals in various civil technology fields. Courses are offered during weekday evenings and are held in classrooms or labs at BCIT's Burnaby Campus. In addition, there are a limited number of paper-based Distance Education (DE) courses available.

You can take just one or two PTS courses or complete a Part-time Associate Certificate or the Part-time Certificate. Please note that PTS courses do not lead to a Diploma or Degree nor confer advanced placement in the full-time Civil Engineering program. If you already have a Civil Engineering degree or diploma, download our information sheet Resources for Internationally-trained Professionals [PDF, 70 KB].
For single courses, perform a search for courses in the subjects that interest you by entering keywords in the subject area and selecting "course" or download the Part-time Studies flyer. DE courses may be found by entering "TSYH" (without quotes) in the "find part-time courses" search field.
For your benefit we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help in your decision whether Civil Technology PTS programs and courses might work for you.

Civil Technology

As the population of the country's cities and towns grows, the need increases for additional highways, buildings, tunnels, bridges and water supply and sewage systems. The individuals who help build these systems are civil engineers, a specialized group of professionals called on to be involved with the design and construction of the infrastructure of the nation. More of these professionals are needed now and into the future.
Civil engineering technicians work for construction, engineering and architectural firms and are often employed by state, city and federal government agencies, cartography agencies and various private petroleum and mining operations. Employment of civil engineering technicians is expected to increase 10 to 20 percent now through 2010, with even greater employment prospects projected in Michigan. Visit career facts for more information on careers in civil Technologies.
If the prospect of employment in this career field interests you, are you ready to compete for job openings? If not, you can get the training you need through the Civil Technologies Program at Lansing Community College. Our program is rigorous, high quality and designed to provide you with instruction based on the practical application of the principles of civil Technologies covering topics as civil drafting, surveying, construction materials, traffic Technologies, applied physics, math and more. Our faculty members are seasoned professionals who are active in the field, bringing real-world relevance to your classroom experience. In addition to core courses and general education requirements in this degree program, students interested in obtaining practical field experience may apply for a six month co-op offered in conjunction with the Michigan Department of Transportation.
Both the Civil Technologies Associate in Applied Science degree and the Surveying and Materials Technician Certificate of Completion are available. Courses are offered throughout the year. Many are available evenings as well as days to accommodate your schedule. Spring semester begins in January, summer semester begins in June and fall classes begin in August.
We want you in our classroom next semester. If you need direction on how to begin at LCC, let us know what's on your mind and what you need to get started. We've got a place waiting for you in the classroom that can lead you to a great career start. For specific information about our Civil Technologies Program, contact us online today.